Check out the side-by-side contrast of the PS4 version versus the PS5 version by Youtuber forked below: The extra realism in NBA 2K21 can even pass its images to get actual, like real photographs with an odd Instagram filter. We are finally exiting the uncanny valley and are being treated with really realistic-looking renders. Hop measures will also be getting a revamp at the next-gen variant of the sport, allowing for more deliberate moves on the court and much more convincing fakes and step-backs.
Speaking of refinement, the upgraded version of 2K21 receives any critical improvement to the user experience too. First, the total UI has been completely overhauled - it is unique to this next-gen version. The rate of the storage enables a more dynamic group selection screen as well since it is possible to rapidly load in new personality models. It is a big upgrade, improved still further by immense improvements in loading, which basically eliminates all loading displays.
While there is even more about NBA 2K21 to discover, I think this is a good primer about what you may expect from the new version of the game, but I guess the remaining question here comes down to how this title is delivered on all of the next-gen systems. Well, the fantastic thing is that they're virtually identical visually. PS5 and Series X both offer a full native 4K demonstration - it seems super crisp on both the systems and all visuals look the same between them. The PS4 Pro version which I used for last-gen testing, by the way, also appears to operate at indigenous 4K but obviously with decreased visual fidelity. The one difference here, predictably, lies with the Series S version. You get all the exact same next-gen visuals because it's bigger brother, just at a lower resolution. More information in nba2king